Bio-Shield AD™ Aerosol Contamination Detection Kit




Bio-MedQC’s USP <797> compliance system is optimized to industry best practice standards and exceeds the expectations of the regulatory authorities.


Our comprehensive systems utilize the highest quality culture media and dye and gives you the confidence you need through analysis, evaluation and final reporting.


–  Aerosol and Droplet Contamination Detection Kit
–  A simulation test for verification of aerosol containment during compounding
–  High visibility dye formulation for small droplet and ultra violet aerosol detection
–  Six test per kit—two high visibility fluorescene dye vials per test
–  USP procedural guidelines and best-in-practice testing recommendations included
–  Bio-MedQC’s expert consultation available


Bio-Shield AD™ Kit includes:

(6) 10mL vial containing 10mL fluorescent red tracer dye
(6) 20mL vial containing 10mL fluorescent red tracer dye
(1) USP procedural guidelines and best-in-practice
testing recommendations included



Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 8 × 6 in


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